Wanted: Customizers!

I have waited a long time to pick up these fabulous Adrian Pearsall pieces and they are finally here!  I am so happy the gentleman I am purchasing them from is working with me and allowing me to collect them as I raise the funds.  That said, all of my recent sales have helped me attain this goal and my future sales will help me save them. Now is your chance to work with me to make these your own!  I will be taking them next week for the upholstery quote so I will have a better idea of the final price to restore.  I am pricing them as is, but If you would like me to handle the restoration work, you get my services no extra charge.  The only thing you will pay is the upholstery work and fabric, which I can help you get at wholesale or trade rates.  I will help you with fabric selection and purchase, plus any wood issues will be tended to.  There is some clean up needed but I should not have to strip them.  I might need to order the rubber strapping if the upholsterer does not have it available.  I found a supplier for it.  After I talk to him this week I will have a better idea of where the final cost will end up. Here’s a look at how they are now.  Serious degradation and brittle foam, hardened straps....just as I expected.  They still hold me but def not usable as is unless you like to vacuum foam powder hourly.  They were in a barn for a while too so the rebuild will include new foam and Dacron as needed, new strapping and new fabric of your choice- I will get yardage requirements at my quote. The good news is the legs unscrew on all of the pieces so I think there is a chance I can box and ship fed ex.  This will help save the white glove costs.  Will have to check dimensions to be sure. Delivery or meets in my region are no extra charge.  


Try to look past their condition.  I can see them looking fabulous in a tweed or textured weave but maybe a velvet?  That would really class them up!   


They are very low profile.  Super sexy and not a common style to find especially in a pair!  No, I will not split them up.  The mother, who is now residing in a nursing home, had them only about 5 years until she decided to redecorate and had them all reupholstered to match her new look!  So this is not the original fabrics.   


Just as cute from behind!  


This chair is called the Havana Chair by collectors.  You see them pop up without he ottoman which I believe was an option, but OMG....do not be tempted to skip the ottoman to save a few hundred bucks!  This set is an alternative to a chaise!  It is so wide that 2 can sit on it.  It will take up some space but this will steal the show in your room, sorry to say.  So be flamboyant with the color.....maybe even a big bold print cause if you got this set, you need to flaunt it and enjoy the heck out of it! If you are in new construction and have a huge master bedroom......this would be amazing in a corner.  


That little bit of walnut arm trim is so handsome!  And the tufting.....love the tufting. 

My listings are up on etsy.  The Havana chair is currently not visible because the etsy police need to verify it was not smuggled in from Cuba. 🙄🔫  I am sure once they review my response the ban will be lifted.  I thought about telling a story or how a refugee floated to Miami on it... but then figured that everyone is taking jokes too seriously these days and I don’t need a hassle.  So the Havana chair that has nothing to do with the actual Havana in Cuba but everything to do with kick ass Adrian Pearsall design will be available to peruse shortly.  😜

A word about customizing these pieces.  You will pay for the item in full up front as priced in my etsy shop, I will get to work on your restoration.  This process will take a few weeks.  If you plan on looking at Joybird fabrics, order your swatches right away! I get 30% off listed prices plus the shipping charge.  There is a 5 yard min but these pieces will both use more, I suspect.  If you would like to shop at fschumacher.com, I can have samples sent to you.  Send me a list of what you’d like to see.  Schumacher is leaps and bounds better quality and finer fabrics than Joybird, but they are not priced for average America.  You can expect to pay $45+ per yard and they have some choices at $200/yard.  I can look up what you like and give you the info before you get your heart set on it.  Upholstery charges and fabrics if I purchase for you will be payable prior to shipping or at delivery. You will get photos and updates as I move along.  I am just as excited to be doing your restoration as you are to be buying it! ❤️


I just bought some great old stock yardage by Herman Miller that has huge quantities.  I have listed on etsy by the yard.  If you would like to select any of these for your makeover, I will give you a better deal than the $10/yard I have it priced at.  I have lots and lots!!!! Here is a preview.   


They are all listed on etsy.  Message me if you want more than one yard and I will make a custom listing and combine the shipping.  Etsy adds shipping to each qty.  I will only charge you what it actually costs to ship.  

How can you use these that they won’t scream 1990??? If you are trend savvy you will know without this pic. 😂  looks great with the pinks and purples now trending.  This is top of the line commercial grade fabric.  The decorator I got them from used to recover furnishings in her beach house and said she was very pleased how they held up over the years of heavy use.  I will be cutting to order and to length off my bolts.  More info in the listings.  This is also a great choice for you business owners that may have seating needing refreshed in your offices and waiting rooms!


Also new and listing shortly is a great pair of early Knoll Don Petitt bentwood arm chairs.  How sexy are these oak beauties?  Petitt worked to develop the laminating process used in these chairs before he designed them.  These are 70s or earlier.  They are no longer in the Knoll lineup and are not in my 90s catalog so probably retired by the 80s.  They are so sturdy and great for use in a commercial setting.  Need seating in your office? Knoll quality that won’t set you back $1000 a chair and sturdy for folks that have a hard time getting in or out of a chair.  I think about these things because I have had past clients buy items from me for those very reasons!  They also make great dining chairs or interesting accent chairs.  Your eyes will keep following those smooth bends. 💕


Original fabric is under the blue tweed.  I have no idea condition.  There are a few light stains but no eyesores.  They can be recovered to suit your space.  


Use these as captains chairs at your table! Mixed dining chair sets are very attractive and eclectic.


Thanks for reading! Reach out if I can assist you with something! I am busy taking a class right now trying to make my business better! I may try testing out what I learn in the weeks ahead.  I will definitely be looking to connect to interior design pros in my region. If you know someone I need to talk to, send me a note! ✌️ Malissa

Riding the Wave.

A quick update on my current projects. After a week of working with my client on the Wave Lounge, the fabric is choosen and ordered.  I sent samples from F Schumacher to her and while she was impressed, she ultimately went with a Joybird selection.  I am thrilled to be able to order it for her and saved her an additional 10% off their normal sale pricing!  Yea for trade accounts!!! She picked a gorgeous golden yellow and I am so excited to see it in person!  Here is a preview.  


I am currently sanding down the legs for a refinish and hope they will be ready by the time the fabric gets here.  I expect this to be ready about a week after it gets to the upholsterer and then I can schedule delivery! I am sure you guys are as excited to see this transformation as we are!  Don’t forget that I have some great and highly collectible Craft Associates/Adrian Pearsall items coming.  They all need a redo and I would love to help you customize a restoration!  Message me and I will make sure I pick up what you want next! The seller is working with me on that! 

This awesome pair is claimable.  I will price as is with option to restore! If handling that scares you, no worries! I will take care of the dirty work for you! All you need to do is make the decisions!  

This awesome pair is claimable.  I will price as is with option to restore! If handling that scares you, no worries! I will take care of the dirty work for you! All you need to do is make the decisions!  

The end tables are sold and at their new home. Cocktail table is ready to deliver and listed in my shops.  The Havana chair and ottoman is claimable!  Such a great set!  What color would you choose?

The end tables are sold and at their new home. Cocktail table is ready to deliver and listed in my shops.  The Havana chair and ottoman is claimable!  Such a great set!  What color would you choose?

There is also an awesome couch in this set that I have claimed as my own. That will be the last item I get from this Home and it will be customized for my own living room!  I look forward to that and may even do my own work.  Stay tuned!  


Another fun thing I was able to do in the last few weeks was work with a client and friend on some cushions for the Eames Fiberglass chairs. After discussing her goal of covering up the screw caps on the seats (because there was upholstery on the chairs originally but pulled off by the former owner who said they were not in repairable condition), I got my mom and dad in the mix to develop a comfy cushion that would do the job of covering the caps, be comfortable but stylish and my personal goal was to make them interactive so if you change up your decor or want another set of cushions, we can just whip them up.  The prototype was born! 

My dad had a few sheets of this plastic foam and it makes a great cushion and spill resistant! We decided on an envelope closure which makes the cover washable if it is fabric and totally interchangeable with another cushion!  I know my client …

My dad had a few sheets of this plastic foam and it makes a great cushion and spill resistant! We decided on an envelope closure which makes the cover washable if it is fabric and totally interchangeable with another cushion!  I know my client loves to change things up in her home and figured this detail will come in handy whether she knows it yet or not! 😂🤘🏼 This is some fabric my mom had laying around.  It does look nice with the chairs but we pursued vinyl in all of it’s kid friendly glory! 

Who knew vinyl could be so colorful?  Although we could not get an exact match, the shade of the bottom left was closest. I support my local country fabric shop whenever I can! It’s on a farm about 5 miles from me and saves me a 1/2 hour drive …

Who knew vinyl could be so colorful?  Although we could not get an exact match, the shade of the bottom left was closest. I support my local country fabric shop whenever I can! It’s on a farm about 5 miles from me and saves me a 1/2 hour drive to Joann’s.  Just always have to remember they are closed Sunday since they are owned by Mennonites!  

I spent the day sewing and got them all together. We are attaching them with Velcro tabs that will stick to the screw tops on the seat, easily removable later and replaceable if they fail.   

I spent the day sewing and got them all together. We are attaching them with Velcro tabs that will stick to the screw tops on the seat, easily removable later and replaceable if they fail.   


Of course the chairs are now SOLD and ready for delivery this week!  They are going to be perfect around the dining table with all new floor glides and their fab new cushions!

Don’t ever hesitate to reach out if you love something in my inventory and want to make it work for YOU!  My mom is a super talented seamstress and has her own little alterations side gig so I am in good hands! She has been overseeing my recent sewing projects as I polish up on my skills!  

As for my client....,well, let’s just say she is in the middle of a super kick ass kitchen renovation that includes the most spectacular St Charles kitchen cabinets ever!  I hope she will share her story with us here!  It’s a big project and she dove in head first!!!! I know you guys will want to hear about it!  I am going to clear out my mall space at the end of the month...what do you locals want to see next???? I will be taking out the dining set and all the holiday clearance items.  Stop over this weekend and take some things home!  50% off holiday, 20% off everything else, 10% off the dining set and the Danish casework.  Leave a comment of what you’d like to see on display!  I have the cane and wicker rocking chairs, the Yugoslavian set may fit.....so much good stuff to show off!!!! XO Malissa

Another mass attribution debunked, getting a little crafty.

I follow my gut when I am buying. I inspect a piece to look for telltale signs of 'better maker' construction, crave brightly colored interesting pieces or am looking through the hideous original upholstery and already imagining how to redo it.  Before I delve into my latest research, I'd love to show you these great little X BASE benches I just picked up.  I believe they are redone in this gnarly plaid flannel.  I see them with more tailored accents like buttons and piping and possibly a pillow top.

These great little accents are real popular in the interior design crowd.  I will be honest, I only took them on because they were a pair.  Some things are better in pairs....and these will be fantastic with new threads!

These great little accents are real popular in the interior design crowd.  I will be honest, I only took them on because they were a pair.  Some things are better in pairs....and these will be fantastic with new threads!

They would look great in a bold color like raspberry or teal, but I could also see them in the cream velvet I picked up a bit ago. I am full of refinished goods right now that I already invested into so cannot fund the upholstery work in advance of a buyer.  Here is a great chance to get involved in the project! I will coordinate the restoration for you and you can select your fabric! I started a section on my web page to feature items I have waiting for restoration.  Any of these items can be custom restored for you.  I will take them on myself as my budget allows but if you see something you love let's get it restored for you! 


Last week I featured a few new acquisitions in my write up which are listed and ready to go.  The one table, the Gilded gold lily, sent me on a research mission to uncover it's past.  Many dealers including the allmighty FIRST DIBS folk attribute this gorgeous little number to Arthur Court and I was going to try to crack this case.  

Chairish removes the background from the cover pic I send them so all of their listings look uniform.  Because my fees are highest in this market, I prefer to do all sales on Etsy if possible. Chairish has very good white glove shipping rates t…

Chairish removes the background from the cover pic I send them so all of their listings look uniform.  Because my fees are highest in this market, I prefer to do all sales on Etsy if possible. Chairish has very good white glove shipping rates through plycon, however, so I always price shipping there on my largest or fragile items and would encourage clients to purchase there if that is the best rate for them.

Arthur Court, still around, is known for cast aluminum serving pieces, decor, and other small items for the home.  There are no mention of any furniture in the current inventory.  While this Lily base is cast aluminum, I have no reason to believe Arthur Court had anything to do with it.  One or two listings mention Drexel, so I take that and run.  Being at eBay at the right time led me to a piece of ephemera of interest.  It was a 1969 magazine ad for Drexel's Et Cetera line of embellished furnishings featuring no other than my Lily on the pic! No matter how large I made the pic, I could not make out the text.  There was a lot of text. I bought the ad!  I am a firm advocate of keeping a library of research materials and will splurge on catalogs, books and other items that feature my finds.  I appreciate those who take the time to cut this stuff out and preserve the history. Ads are sometimes the best resource we have to piece together the history of these items.  

a great ad, the back features an awesome Formica kitchen ad! In Orange and yellow mod glory!

a great ad, the back features an awesome Formica kitchen ad! In Orange and yellow mod glory!

The magazine, Better Homes and Gardens I believe, was dated 1969.  I learned that my lily has it's original glass, is definitely cast aluminum and was called a cigarette table.  Small in stature to use next to a lounge chair, and the petit table top to feature an interesting ash tray with enough space to hold your pack, a lighter and a cocktail. As cigarette smoking slowly fell out of vogue, so did the use of the association. Like many trends, they come and go.  There are still those who enjoy a puff here and there and also those who like to recreate that type of space just to keep the era alive.  Whether you choose this piece to accent your nightlife or to bring some incredible lifelike nature indoors, it is sure to charm you and your guests.  

My favorite part about the ad is the official description.  'The Gilded Lily-for real. This cigarette table reflects the originality in Drexel's famed Et Cetera Collection. A bunch of Gilded Madonna lilies bursts into full bloom to hold the glass top.'  💕 

So what about the designer? Well, I figured out the answer to that as well.   The caption under the pic ends in italics 'Designed by Drexel Design Staff'.  Arthur Court, the most tagged company (or person) on this piece.....no way.  Just another mid century modern urban legend. It is great when we enjoy certain designer's work.  I do love carrying highly collectible works from the era's best.  But ultimately, these are pieces you will be living with, passing down or reselling later.  Take the time to delve into the history.  I really try to find out about my items because I am intrigued and do my best to pass that info on.  Misattributed items does no favors to the artists who created them and it certainly is shifty, lazy and no better than a used car salesman. ✌️

On a final note.  I am in the process of stretching some of the amazing Frank Lloyd Wright reissued prints onto canvas for hanging. I figure there are some non crafty folk out there who would like to admire these great designs without having to sew or be creative.  If they sell quickly, I will invest into other prints.  This fabric is very expensive.  On the St Marks Print, I used a large frame as the print repeats every 17".  This way you really can see it.  I love it against my brown wall.  I will be doing the smaller blue print on smaller frames and at a reduced price as I can get more out of a yard.  Look for the listing on the smaller ones (11 by 14) over the next few days! 


16 by 20 St Marks Print in natural linen with black print, 1955 reissue Frank Lloyd Wright for Schumacher.  3 are available but I can make more.  Fabric yardage available in 1/4 yard increments at $40 per 1/4 yard.  LISTED IN ETSY SHOP.

16 by 20 St Marks Print in natural linen with black print, 1955 reissue Frank Lloyd Wright for Schumacher.  3 are available but I can make more.  Fabric yardage available in 1/4 yard increments at $40 per 1/4 yard.  LISTED IN ETSY SHOP.


Large canvas priced at $75 each plus ship. This is an awesome opportunity to get some yardage or a ready to hang piece of fabric art before the stock sells out!