March Updates

❤️Chairish shop will be on sale Mar 17-21.

❤️Booth has some new items. Watch for summer hours starting soon.

❤️stay tuned to my latest blog posts for updates as things may change going forward. You will have to come to my website. I just removed a bunch of unnecessary pages and am down to only 3 which should help navigation.

❤️email updates on my Mailchimp will be discontinued. I am losing followers more than gaining and the point of my blog was to be more educational. Will leave the website up as long as I can afford to so that info is preserved as long as possible. I just downgraded my account to save some money. You can still check out on my website but I will now incur higher fees. It is what it is. I have deactivated many small items and will only leave bigger furniture items there. I am starting to deactivate items from Etsy that have moved to my booth. Be alert as I will post on my blog and socials when I will be at the flea market clearing out backstock.

❤️2025 is the year I need to get serious about getting out. What little money coming in is barely covering my expenses. I had a $4500 loss last year. It’s time to get out.

❤️you can support me by making an offer or purchasing from my booth or remaining inventory. Please send your like minded friends my way. My prices have always been lower and I continue to be well below competitors. Pick up only, no deliveries.

❤️thank you for trusting me with your vintage purchases over the last 10 years. Your kind words and friendships have made this worth it.


An artist revisited. Tag sale in my booth

I am going to add this to refer back to my research day in Washington DC for you to check out.

When I first started buying lots of inventory, I was invited to a sad home that was decaying in a moist, streamside holler. There were floor board soft spots and signs of too much moisture. I plucked this amazing tabletop sculpture piece from the ruins and brought her home, cleaned her up and she has been mine ever since. The artist is the late Bruno Mankowski, WPA sculptor who was tasked with rehabbing one of the pediments on the Capitol building. He also completed a few post office projects during that era and if you have been in an old post office building, you can find a remaining mural or two created during this era which is cool. Mankowski also designed bronze medals. I recently toured the Philadelphia Mint where they produce many current day medals and have artists on staff to design them. Numismatics refers to the study of collecting money and medals. You can readily find Mankowski’s medals pop up on eBay. I do have the Asa Gray medal in my collection. They are quite detailed and fun to study, being larger than a typical coin.

I have discussed this artist in my blog years ago now and am thrilled to have heard from a few folks that also own or found one of the kneeling nude sculptures in a friend or relatives collection. Although I was able to view a glossy brochure about her, no where in the records did I find info on how many were produced. I do suspect she was the only commercially sold sculpture made by him.

Another thrilling comment on the blog I linked above states some family history of Mr Mankowski and his interaction with those close to him which was so lovely to read. Be sure to read the comment at the bottom of the page!

I recently came to find a small clay sculpture by him for sale on eBay. It’s a maquette piece which a sculptor would make out of inexpensive materials while working out ideas for larger pieces which would be cast in bronze or other materials like stone. Think of it as a way to make the sketches and ideas come to life in a 3 dimensional form, a rough draft if you will. It came from Florida, which is where he lived at the end of his life and where his manager/lawyer was based. His entire records were donated to the Smithsonian by this management and that is what I perused in the blog post referenced above. Please check out for my experience requesting to view these documents in person as it was a fun experience. My photos are under copyright that I took there so I cannot publish them but I did take photos and photocopies that day that I could keep for myself.

Back to the new acquisition! She is roughly carved, very beautiful and mounted on a lovely formed wood base. His name carved into the lying woman’s thigh. The clay tings high like a ceramic when touched. Very happy she survived all these years! At only about 7” long by 3” wide, she is much smaller than my Kneeling Nude piece. That piece is very refined and smooth to the touch and was carved in foundry stone. This lying lady is showing every scrape of his tool but the details are quite amazing! From the tiny toes to the hair texture. I was very thrilled to add her and I did deliberate a bit on the purchase. I finally thought, what are the chances of something like this coming up for sale again? My Kneeling Nude does pop up on eBay because quite a few were produced, but I have never seen other works besides the Medallic pieces. So I made an offer I was more comfortable with and the seller accepted! She did not deep dive into the artist and in fact did not know his first name. This siggy says Mankowski and my Kneeling Nude is signed Mankowski but includes the SC SCULPTURE SOCIETY logo and copyright symbol as that piece was made to be sold to the public.

I want to go back to DC and look through those totes again!!! Lucky for me I may be getting back there for work at some point this year so if I can swing a visit during office hours, I am so there!

The Archives of American Art collects primary source materials—original letters, writings, preliminary sketches, scrapbooks, photographs, financial records and the like—that have significant research value for the study of art in America. …from their website

You can support the Archives of American Art by monetary donation (non profit) and also there are volunteer opportunities to transcribe documents they have digitized to make them more searchable and accessible. Mankowski’s totes have not yet been digitized but I suspect at some point they will be. Here is a link to his page, peruse their site for lots of cool resources. If you have a published artist in your life who is no longer with us, consider donating their catalogs and records to this fine organization to keep their memories and works alive for generations to come. Their works are out there as gifts to friends nd family and maybe they even sold some over their years. They will turn up on the secondary market at some point and these records help complete their provenance and story!

Thanks for following my blog and caring about this history! I do appreciate it very much and most of the time I just want to give up on it as I lose more followers than I gain these days. As I continue to downsize my inventory I will be looking to cut expenses. Unsure at this point how long I will keep my website active. For now it is safe, but will see as the year goes on.

Please stop by my booth and grab some great items! I added tags to 100 pieces for a special clearance sale! 25% off if you pay cash, 15% if you use a card. Help me clear this booth out! I have more furniture I can add after some leave. All furniture in the booth is on sale, most of the lighting and lots and lots of art and collectibles. Help a sister out and rehome some of this. I currently barely selling enough to cover my monthly expenses and I probably missed breaking even on the rent out there by $150 and that does not include the cost of the items. It’s bleak right now and my ❤️ is sad but I need to keep trudging towards the exit here as I don’t want to keep losing. Having a non productive business costs money and I need to get out 100% or it needs to start producing. If things were selling I would be more apt to sourcing more inventory but this stagnate space we are in is killing my vibe.

Best wishes for a happy 2025! Reach out if I can assist you in adding a fine piece of furniture to your home while I still have some!


-pics below-

End of year sale on Chairish

Save 25% in my Chairish shop is coming! Check out between Monday Dec 30th and Thursday Jan 2nd. I have never offered this big of a discount here so please take advantage of that and add something awesome to your home! Chairish will arrange shipping on large items and you can get an instant quote right on the page. Generally speaking, their shipping prices cannot be beat! If you need help, reach out.

What’s next for 2025? I want to continue to sell off my existing inventory and downsize. At this time, I am probably not going to be buying. Last year was hard. The market is just awful and I cannot continue to support downsizing families if I can’t sell things let alone sell enough to make a profit. I will consider all offers for anything I have right now but keep in mind, you’ll need to come get the item. I cannot provide full services at discount prices.

When the weather starts to warm up come spring, I will plan another purge day at the flea market. Shop my booth while I still have a nice selection of lighting, art and some interesting small furniture items.

Have a safe and joyous holiday season! Thank you for your support over the years and please remind all to shop small and support your local businesses as they try to keep afloat during these trying times. I will continue to service my markets until I have made significant progress on my inventory reduction and stay tuned for flash sales! Please reach out if I can assist you with anything!


Local pick up deals- I need to park my car in the garage this winter and would love to move these great high end pieces. Beautiful Founders walnut 12 drawer dresser and Directional Milo Baughman cube end table! Both offered at a low price got local pick up. Message me to plan your pick up!

Holiday updates

As we roll into the holidays I want to do a quick update.

Winter hours are now in effect at my booth at Fleetwood Antique Mall. Open 10-5 WED-SUN. I have lots of vintage smalls and new items like fun kitchen towels, incense and more. Holiday items are out. Pop in and help me try to beat my rent for the year. I still have a way to go and for the first time since I have been here, I may not break even. It’s truly been a very depressing year for me in not just one market but all.

Online, you will find my Etsy shop with sales on select items through the end of the month. I do not want to encourage furniture sales so I did not want to mark them down. Still getting used to my new job so not wanting to deal with looking for shippers etc.

My Chairish shop is 20% off for just a few more days (check out by Nov 29th at 11:59pm). If you need shipping, head there for an instant quote nationwide! They really do have decent rates and prob better than I could get myself. It’s white glove so you can tell them to put it over there. They do all the arranging for us.

My website is available for local pick up purchases. I can meet for smaller items, however, I am driving a subcompact these days so my larger items have to be picked up at my home in Fleetwood. I will have them all cleaned, waxed and ready to load when you arrive and assist in loading.

I have some very nice items left and at this time, probably will not be investing in much more as honestly, I have not sold any furniture in months and between the economy and lack of interest, I am just hoping to find homes for what I have and get some of this out of my home so I can stop worrying about it and reclaim my space. I am open to discussion on things if you want to make a bundle offer for multiple pieces. Oh and don’t forget to check out my pillows and other goods I made. I seriously would create more but since there has not been much interest in them thus far, I am not spending more time on it.

Thanks for your past support and referrals. It saddens me that I could not keep this going at the level I had built it up to but times are changing and although I have branched out into textiles and other types of things, it’s just not enough to make it worth it. If things continue on the downslide I may consider leaving my booth in the spring. We will see.

May you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving and holiday season! Reach out if I can help you with anything!

XO Malissa

Japanese Postmodernism deep dive

No country was without a postmodernism movement and today, we are looking into a Japanese designed and manufactured folding chair. At first glance, it represents the standard directors chair look. I instantly knew it had to collapse. It took a second, but I figured it out. By pulling up on the chair, the tubes began to slide and the sides started to come together as it collapsed. It’s a cool design that allows the chair to fold flat height-wise and can be tucked into a closet in seconds. The tubular chrome structure is not uncommon as many of the postmodernists enjoyed working with it. This chair was designed to be mass produced.

There is a cool patented feature which tells us more about the way the seat upholstery attaches. Let’s deep dive! My chair is missing it’s label, but it did not take long to find a labelled version on web archives.

The tag only states: utida x chair, made in japan

This chair gets attributed to Shigeru Uchida. I deep dove and found a patent for the way the seat attaches to the frame! It is dated 1974 (USA patent anyway). Note that the patent is for inventors listed Suekichi Uchida and Aza Gonishi and associated company is Uchida Sharyo Co. Inc. of Nagoya-shi, Japan. Here’s a look at the patent.

Note the ‘inventors’ and company listed.

A second search took me to the patent for this chair!


So Shigeru Uchida. I have found no ties to him and Suekichi at this point. No bio mentions a spouse (assuming Suekichi is female). His known designs are quite sleek and definitely look more high end than this chair. I did find another folding chair tagged the X-7 Uchida Syaryo Made in Japan. I assume this is same company noted in patent. I do believe like any foreign language, the translation gets muddled! Here’s look at the chair which folds differently but has a similar tubular construction. It does not have a seat attached like the above patent.

X-7 Chair - thanks to etsy seller for pics.

I’ll add a few more patents from Suekichi as these chairs turn up as well and figure I’d put them here for the researchers who find me.

And here is the Z chair in the wild (thanks bay seller!), this iteration does not have the detachable rocker pieces.

We can conclude that the UCHIDA Z Chair tag is Suekichi Uchida!

Also note, another name that gets tagged with Uchida is Takeshi Nii. At no point have I found any link to this company or to Suekichi Uchida! Nii also helped design a chair around 1970 called the Nychair X and it looks similar so you need to look very closely at the details to identify. Nychair’s are still being made and can be bought new. I also am adding one patent I found for Takeshi Nii for a similar folding chair with a director chair look which shows company info, etc and pic of the chair on the Nychair website.

And what about Shigeru? Well here is a look at a chair by him and it’s night and day! This guy was HIGH END and not utilitarian! Have a look at this sexy chair! Also note there is much more to Shigeru than chairs! Look him up as there is info on him available. Thanks for checking out my ramblings!

My friend just said to me, why do you waste your time on the blog? I said, spreading facts and info and putting it out there in the cyber world makes me happy. There are so many dealers adding to the misinformation that even if one person finds my blog and sees the errors in their false attributions, I have done good in the world. ;). THANKS SO MUCH for tuning in! XO Malissa