Adventures to come!


I have been keeping this secret since I have had other things to talk about but this week’s update will fill you in!  In my business life, many things happen that just seem to materialize and I just cannot explain why I was so lucky to be at the right place at the right time with the right instincts for everything to happen.  Finding the awesome Fernand Leger rug was one of those moments.  Although I am blessed to have it in my possession, I knew early on that it came with some issues I had to tend to like the cleaning (a $250 investment) and then there is the restoration work to replace the knots that were chewed by some hungry moths which is quoted but out of my budget without a buyer in the wings. I have spent a lot of time researching it and have purchased materials useful in my quest.  You see, the woman who is responsible for this awesome piece was responsible for bringing back the tapestry arts in the 1920’s in addition to being a patron of the fabulous artists she honored.  Her Paris fashion house, Maison Myrbor, also turned out haute couture clothing which is found in museums around the globe.  The tapestry arts were never a booming industry but she exhibited over the years and info can be found.  


Back to how I fit in here.  I was contacted by a woman who works for a prominent estate, now museum of the family’s collection and he has my rug in her collection along with another in the series.  They have no info on them and are hoping I will share my research  with them. Of course!  I will be taking time to write my notes out for her and will be visiting the estate when they open for the season this spring to meet with her.  I cannot wait and will be sharing my experience with you all when I get back. I have one local stone to unturn on this research as the traveling exhibit where the rugs in my series where sold in the 60s came to Allentown so the museum is on my list to contact to see if they have info or perhaps staff or volunteers I can reach out to.  This whole adventure will help me build provenance with the rug as well as myself.  Overall a fun adventure!  Such a special piece of art and textiles with only 20 or less ever made.  A super rare collectible!  


On another note I am running a sale on most furnishings in honor of my birthday month just in the Etsy shop.  If you are looking to add something to your home, reach out now to secure the price.  Many items leave me with little profit at that price but I need to move some big items so trying to entice the people with them in their carts to commit.  Subject to end at my whim.  I also have a set on hold that will be delivered next month to New Hampshire.  Reach out if you see something and are near or could meet me during that trip.  If it fits with the set I would meet for a fee way less than the cost of shipping. 


Don’t forget I have an album of new gift appropriate items pinned to the top of my page where you can claim items, fill a box and I will pack and ship to you.  These are all priced at wholesale! With spring holidays on the way, take a look and claim some goodies!  I will need your email and will send you a PayPal invoice. If you are local to me I can get your items delivered.​

Thanks for following! Lots more fun to come soon!  ​

​Xo Malissa 

The Art of Researching Art

I am currently en route to Washington DC for a weekend of museum hopping, hotel lounging and city walking.  The family is focused on the fun but I am focused on all things Bruno Mankowski. Months back, I picked up a lovely sculpture from an estate clean out that featured a kneeling nude woman.   I was quickly drawn to her as my late Aunt would have loved her.  I put her crusty self in my pile.  It was not until I got her home and started to clean 3 years of vacant home filth off of her that I realized she was not a 70's ceramic project, but a signed original sculpture.  But the next question that comes to mind was.,...who is Bruno Mankowski?  After some web searching, I found out he was a WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION (WPA) Artist.  FDR 's great contribution to keeping America working after the depression consisted of National Parks construction projects and art for public spaces like post offices and government buildings.  These working artists were commissioned to beautify our spaces.  Mankowski had the opportunity to replace an ailing sandstone cornice in the capital with his granite piece.  I hope to find it this weekend during our tour.  I also found out that he was known as a bronze medal sculptor.  This info was available searching the web.  I found 2 old auction listings with my nude lady pictured.  I really have no reason to believe they are the same one I have so he maybe cast more than one.  Apparently that is normal during the sculpting process.  One for sure has different toes than mine.  How many ladies are out there?  What is she made of? Why was she made?!  I also found, during my web searching, that upon the artists death (1903-1991), his records and catalog were donated to the American Art Archives in Washington, DC., by his dealer.  There are 200 photographs of his works, letters and other artifacts and they are available, by reservation, for free perusal!  Well, that is all I needed plus 2 kiddos begging to see museums.  So here we are, sitting poolside in the Embassy Suites, awaiting a day of fun and exploration!   My appointment is Friday at 9:30, I am headed there after breakfast.  I hope I can uncover some facts about her but most important, learn more about this man and help preserve his legacy by telling his story!  By the time you email folks get this update, I will be buried in my box of Mankowski or perhaps still being checked in and briefed!  Stay tuned for more but I will need to ask how to have my photos approved for publishing so that might delay my post a bit.  Enjoy some pics of our evening exploring the National Mall. 

Resting at sunset on the lawn by the Washington Memorial.  

Resting at sunset on the lawn by the Washington Memorial.  

Gorgeous but hot evening! 

Gorgeous but hot evening! 

The beautiful White House. 

The beautiful White House. 

The circus has already started, or maybe it never ends here! ?

The circus has already started, or maybe it never ends here! ?

Wish me luck! ✌🏼️  
