Hey everyone! I made it! I got relieved of my 2020 Census duties on Oct 22nd! I am, consequently, in the process of being hired for another Current Survey position with the Bureau for a 5 month operation next year. This new gig will be home based and I will be contacting households in my county that are in the Survey program collecting their data. These Surveys are awesome tools for businesses and the country at large and I am happy to be a part of it. While I understand how it will go down, I also know that things are a bit different in the ‘real’ Census Bureau vs what I was doing with the Decennial Census but I am expecting to have more availability as the field jobs are typically not 40 hours a week gigs and that should work out just fine! Plus it gives me an income which encourages me to spend more money on inventory. I don’t take money out of my business except to pay for my car and other business related expenses. This is how I can continue to grow but at the same time, it does not help my household. I have determined that ‘doing it all’ may be the only way to succeed and I am OK with that. :).
So, where we left off: My couch! She’s home! Not totally complete as I have work to finish but really only just got here and have been making up for lost time as everyone seems to want me for something. My husband made me some temporary legs so as I wait for the final legs to be made from one of my former coworkers, we can still use the couch. I also need to start working on the walnut skirt trim and I did purchase my finish for that so just need to do a little sanding and finish them up. My husband also has some things to do on the hanging cabinet. BUT….we are using it and am thrilled!!!! Of special note is that lovely leather ottoman! I just purchased that from Joybird, where I have a trade account. It is very good quality (although not made in the US….boo) and I am so happy as it makes an additional sprawling space which we were used to with our former sectional. If anyone wants to purchase from Joybird, I can be your middleman, however, you would have to pay in full for the item and could not use the payment plans they offer. Just a note on that. I have purchased fabrics from them and for clients which works out great for remote restorations.