Upholstery taking shape!

Mom has been cranking on the upholstery as she has some other sewing to do for some clients so she wants my chairs in her past.  haha  Today, she actually has everything complete on her end and ready to give back to me to start the assembly and buttons.  I have not seen the final covers, but will get them in the morning.  Meanwhile, I had an extra day off work today as my company closed while we gear up for new work coming in so I had the day to get some errands done.  Click on the photo below to scroll through the gallery.

Some pics of my mom fitting the newly cut foam, batting and her muslin to the board and chair.  Everything fit great!  Next she was working on the piping and assembly of the top. 

Piping pinned to the seat top.  The bottom piping will be stapled onto the board under the seat.

Piping pinned to the seat top.  The bottom piping will be stapled onto the board under the seat.

My mother is a highly skilled sewer, quilter and pattern maker.  Although this is probably an entry level project, I do feel that the piping and button details on this chair do make this project more advanced than a simple chair covering like m…

My mother is a highly skilled sewer, quilter and pattern maker.  Although this is probably an entry level project, I do feel that the piping and button details on this chair do make this project more advanced than a simple chair covering like most I have done to date.  I am glad my mother was willing to help out.  I cannot say what this would have cost if I had to pay an upholsterer to do it.  Not cheap.  Rest assured, I plan on compensating her for her time when the chairs sell.

What the piping will look like all sewn in place!!

What the piping will look like all sewn in place!!

Meanwhile, I went on a mission for buttons.  Stopped to visit my upholsterer, who was out when I got there.  The other employee there spoke no English.  I used my very rusty Spanish and within minutes we were talking the universal language of upholstery.  She had a sample button made.  By the time Albert (Alberto) came back to the shop, he merely needed to provide me with cost, take my money and tell me when I can come back and get them!  In 3 hours, I was back.  He even gave me an extra button....so I got 27 for $53.  He used my fabric, provided the buttons and the labor to create them.  Figure I'd let you in on that price.  Buttons add not only more materials to an upholstery job, they also add LOTS of time.  I am going to be spending a lot of time installing these buttons, but I feel like I need to stay true to the design of the chair and any modifications would surely take away from that.  Even the piping, was important to me. 

A few shots from the upholstery shop.  Not a large or fancy place.  Albert does nice work and is quick to accommodate.  He speaks great English.  I am happy to support his business and he has been truly an asset to my projects. 

I just spoke to mom and the seats are ready to assemble.  So I will bring them home tomorrow and start tacking and stapling everything together.  I was also able to pick up a very large needle today for the button work.  I am looking forward to them coming together!  My weeknight schedule right now is crazy with my kids swim team stuff and I do have a day job, so will see when I can get through the remaining items.  I will have some more pics soon!  The chairs are still available for reserve, please message or email me if you are interested in holding them! 


Foam cutting.

My father helped out with cutting the seat foam.  Upholstery project underway!

My father helped out with cutting the seat foam.  Upholstery project underway!

I was surprised when I arrived to pick my kids up at my parents that my father got involved in my project.  He got the foam cut out for the seat cushions.  I did good on sizing the piece and had barely any left.  The foam was not cheap and I did buy the heavier duty version.  I did promise Mom I would sand off the hard bits of original foam on the boards so this weekend I will get the random orbital out and clean them off. 

Life is funny sometimes.  I don't normally check out the book sections in the thrifts because quite frankly, I get overwhelmed by the unorganized display of old novels and kids books.  It just so happens, I found myself digging through book bins at the Goodwill Outlet some time ago and was able to excavate most of a set of various sewing and project books from the 70's.  Then I found a 1970's upholstery course book.  I bought them.  So here I sit, ready to peruse the book and preview of what I am up against.  Piping 101 followed by buttons and tufting.  Hopefully we can get some progress done in the coming week!  Meanwhile, I have been adding lots of smalls to the shop, so please check it out. The Brody chairs I had are on the bus making their way to Texas and I prepared a shipping quote on the Paul McCobb chairs.  They are not currently on hold, though so if there is any chance you'd like them, speak up!  I am available throughout the weekend including Friday and Monday for any deliveries or meet ups in eastern/central PA, NJ.  Please send me an email if you'd like to arrange something!  Enjoy your 4th of July holiday!

Philly Reseach Mission Part Deux!

So excited to be heading to Philly tomorrow to finally lay my eyes and fingers on these Dunbar books!  I have one on hold at UPENN, the other is at the Philly Art Museum.  I plan to hit both places tomorrow to review, photograph interesting pages and enjoy these beauties!  I will have much to share upon my return!  xo Malissa