Yugo I Go. Getting intimate with lounge chairs from Yugoslavia.
/Little chair needs new cushions and big chair needs a makeover.
We have all seen them. They look danish, but not. Straighter arms, less sculptured but still that same great look we all love. I passed up a pair a few weeks ago because the strapping needed to be replaced and I wasn't feeling that project. So then I find this pair. Ok. Seat supports are good. A bit wobbly. The gal at the shop was like, aren't these great??? The seats come up almost like they fold but not really!!! Skeptical me was thinking, honey, these need some serious gluing and clamping!
So fast forward a week. I decide to start cleaning them up and getting the structure secure so I can start working on the cushions. I need mom for that and honestly, I have no clue what color! I just picked up some upholstery scraps but not sure I have enough of any to do both chairs. I have cream velvet. I have brown with stripes knoll fabric, probably enough of the red Schumacher? It's so hard making color choices for a not yet found buyer. If anyone sees these and must have, speak up and I can make custom cushions in your choice of fabrics!
The finish is in good shape. A little love evened out the issues without too much effort. The wobble was a bit discerning so I wanted to find out more. I can see some nail 'pins' and brass catches going on. That is not gluable. In fact, there are no exposed screws anywhere! So I post a thread on my favorite restoration group- https://m.facebook.com/groups/671198139615447 and here is what I find out.
The screws catch into this hardware piece.
the screws that catch. Give them a turn or two to tighten up the structure.
Turns out these guys were made to flat pack! That kept shipping costs down drastically. I further inspected and every piece has the screw and catch. The seat just lays in with pegs, plus evidence of 2 screws that's was told prevents the seat from popping up unwantedly. I was also told that tightening up those screws just a little will help it be less wobbly. So I am working on that now. This is important to keep in the back of your mind in case you run into one of these rickety babies! It can be helped and it's only a matter or tightening a few screws. These chairs are lightweight and really a pretty add to your space. As far as shipping, they can be flat packed! It's up to you as the buyer, but I would label everything so you can get it back together fast. Now......what color to make those cushions!!!?!!!
XO Malissa
Not broke! Don't panic!
wow! I tightened 3 screws about a full turn. Whacked the one side with a rubber mallet because it was not sliding and I am happy with it! Very sturdy now! These sit a little low for me...as do most mcm lounge chairs, but they will be great with new cushions!