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Foam cutting.

My father helped out with cutting the seat foam.  Upholstery project underway!

I was surprised when I arrived to pick my kids up at my parents that my father got involved in my project.  He got the foam cut out for the seat cushions.  I did good on sizing the piece and had barely any left.  The foam was not cheap and I did buy the heavier duty version.  I did promise Mom I would sand off the hard bits of original foam on the boards so this weekend I will get the random orbital out and clean them off. 

Life is funny sometimes.  I don't normally check out the book sections in the thrifts because quite frankly, I get overwhelmed by the unorganized display of old novels and kids books.  It just so happens, I found myself digging through book bins at the Goodwill Outlet some time ago and was able to excavate most of a set of various sewing and project books from the 70's.  Then I found a 1970's upholstery course book.  I bought them.  So here I sit, ready to peruse the book and preview of what I am up against.  Piping 101 followed by buttons and tufting.  Hopefully we can get some progress done in the coming week!  Meanwhile, I have been adding lots of smalls to the shop, so please check it out. The Brody chairs I had are on the bus making their way to Texas and I prepared a shipping quote on the Paul McCobb chairs.  They are not currently on hold, though so if there is any chance you'd like them, speak up!  I am available throughout the weekend including Friday and Monday for any deliveries or meet ups in eastern/central PA, NJ.  Please send me an email if you'd like to arrange something!  Enjoy your 4th of July holiday!